
Do you have a great business, an awesome product, or an ingenious service that you provide? Need a forum, outlet, platform to get the word out about your business? We have the answer for you!

Showcase your business in person and on the web:

  • Third Thursday Showcase: This allows you to showcase your business in person. Part of each Third Thursday event will be dedicated to business owners that would like to market their company. Each company will be given a time slot during the evening and will be able to give a 15-45 minute presentation. An advantage of showcasing your business at a Third Thursday event, you will have access to other professionals that you can network with, and a pool of potential clients. You will be able to provide attendees with printed information about your business, products and services. 
  • eShowcase: This option allows those that can not attend Third Thursday events the opportunity to still market their products and services to our network. We will feature an article about your business on our website, we will also add your business web banner to all websites associated with Third Thursday and Mokyva Technology Solutions. You will receive a listing in the Third Thursday member directory as well as spotlights on our Facebook page. We will also distribute your printed materials at our Third Thursday event.

Showcasing offers more than the opportunity to hand out your business card, it allows you to share your passion and vision for your company with other individuals in a setting that is purely professional.

As an added bonus, businesses that Showcase through Third Thursday will be featured on all of the media outlets that Mokyva provides, as well as be listed as a sponsor for the Third Thursday event for which they will present. 

For more information on showcasing your company, prices and space availability, Contact Us.

Check us out on the web: 

Mokyva Technology Solutions
Like us on Facebook.
Keep up with all current Third Thursday information on the web.